Calendar of Events

The Village of Wayne City always has something going on for the residents to be involved in or informed of. Whether it be Village Hall meetings, town-wide rummage sales, or our annual Bean Days celebration, we want to keep you informed! 

Know of an upcoming event that we need to add? Give us a call or send us an email and we will be happy to add it for you.


Upcoming Events

WC Matters Bingo Night Fundraiser

Begins: 4/4/2025 - 6:30
Ends: 4/4/2025

Wayne City Matters is hosting a Bingo Night fundraiser at the Community Building in Wayne City, April 4th @ 6:30pm.   All proceeds with be used for community events. There will be prizes and food available to purchase starting at 6pm.

Persons under 18 are not permitted.

Village Board Meeting Reminder

Begins: 4/7/2025 - 7:00pm
Ends: 4/7/2025 - When all business is completed

Just a friendly reminder - Village of Wayne City Board Meetings are held monthly. Our next meeting will be on Monday. April 7th at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in knowing what was discussed in previous board meetings or what is on the agenda, please look under the Agendas and Minutes tab.  Minutes from previous meetings will be posted as they are approved. 

Village Hall Closed Good Friday

Begins: 4/18/2025
Ends: 4/18/2025

The Village Hall will be closed Friday, April 18th in observance of Good Friday.   We will reopen Monday, April 21st for regular business hours.

Wayne City Matters Easter Egg Hunt

Begins: 4/19/2025 - 10:00 AM
Ends: 4/19/2025

Wayne City Matters will be hosting their Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Wayne City Park,  Saturday April 19th starting at 10am!  Bring your children out to enjoy hunting eggs and getting their picture taken with the Easter bunny! For donations please call 618-599-4522.

Egg hunt areas will be roped off by age.  Many special prizes will be given away. See Wayne City Matters FB page for more details.

Spring TownWide Rummage Sales

Begins: 5/2/2025
Ends: 5/3/2025

The Village of Wayne City has scheduled the Spring Townwide Rummage Sales for Friday and Saturday, May 2nd and 3rd.  Call the Village Hall by Tuesday April 29th at 895-2241 if you want your name to be put on the sales list & map. These will be available at the Village Hall and at local businesses on Wed April 30th.

Townwide clean up will be the following Wednesday May 7th.

Village of Wayne City Townwide Clean Up Day

Begins: 5/7/2025
Ends: 5/7/2025

Wayne City Townwide Clean up will be Wed, May 7th.  A list of items that can and cannot be picked up are available at Village Hall.

All items must be curbside.